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The typefaces, the pictures and the texts shown on this website (typographies.fr) are creations protected by the elementary rights of copyright law. Anyone distributing or using these creations without the author or the authors’ permission, or beyond the limits determined by the font’s User License Agreement or by the current French legislation will be liable to prosecution.

Copte Scripte © Laurent Bourcellier & Jonathan Perez. 2008.
Cadence © Jonathan Perez. 2009.
Joos © Laurent Bourcellier. 2009.
Colvert Arabic © Kristyan Sarkis and Jonathan Perez. 2012.
Colvert Cyrillic © Natalia Chuvatin and Jonathan Perez. 2012.
Colvert Greek © Irene Vlachou and Jonathan Perez. 2012.
Colvert Latin © Jonathan Perez. 2012-2018.
Chapitre © Jonathan Perez. 2013.
Confettis Braille © Jonathan Perez. 2016-2020.
Luciole © Laurent Bourcellier & Jonathan Perez. 2019.

Jonathan Fabreguettes - Laurent Bourcellier

Legal notice

FABREGUETTES Jonathan - 06 62 22 32 47
contact at typographies dot fr
N° SIREN: 499 040 426 - N° d’ordre MdA: P 586390
Code APE: 923 A (Activités artistiques)
directeur de la publication: Jonathan Fabreguettes

Host: OVH - SAS au capital de 10 000 000 €
RCS Roubaix - Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A - N° TVA: FR 22 424 761 419
Siège social: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.
0 820 698 765 - Email: support at ovh dot com
Web: http://www.ovh.com

First website’s conception and design:
Marie Dilger, S. & Jonathan Fabreguettes.
Current website’s conception and design:
Jonathan Fabreguettes.
Additional Design/Conception:
Kiara Jouhanneau https://kajoudesign.eu/
Website created on the 06-01-2008.

NEWSLETTER           MASTODON           CONTACT                        Jonathan Fabreguettes (Perez) and Laurent Bourcellier · Copyright · Legal notice